30 Positive Affirmations for Children

We recognize the importance of being kind to yourself as an adult but what is most important is being kind to children and teaching them how to be kind to others and to themselves. Here are 30 positive affirmations you can tell your child and also tell yourself! When your child watches this behavior it teaches them that love and kindness begin with you.

1. Stay curious

2. I love and respect you

3. It’s okay to make mistakes

4. You tried so hard.

5. You are so thoughtful

6. You are beautiful inside and out

7. You have great ideas

8. I’m proud of you just as you are

9. I love you

10. I always believe in you

11. You make our lives better just by being in them

12. You make a difference in the world

13. Always accept who you are

14. You matter to others

15. Every day is a fresh start

16. You can do it

17. You play with others

18. You are friendly

19. Other people want to spend time with you

20. You are brave

21. You have a beautiful imagination

22. You have courage

23. You are forgiving

24. Your heart guides you

25. That’s a great question

26. You rock!

27. You make me laugh

28. You are an important person in our family

29. Your feelings are valid

30. Today we make the choice to be happy and make others happy too

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