Do you dole out the Halloween candy piece by piece or allow a one-night candy bacchanal?

Do you dole out the Halloween candy piece by piece or allow a one-night candy bacchanal? We asked readers of our weekly e-newsletter Minnesota Parent This Week how they handle the Halloween haul.

Let them sort. Take “Parents’ Taxes” (take away what you want). Let them have some that night and divide for later.
Katia Erickson, Coon Rapids

Our daughter picks her favorites out and eats a couple of pieces each day until they are gone. The rest of it goes into the candy dishes at Mom’s and Dad’s workplaces.
Mardi Noyes, Sauk Rapids

We let them have a couple pieces the first night. Then one a day after that.
Kristi Renner, Lakeville

We always put it in our closet, and the kids usually forget it exists within a few days. Otherwise, we use it as an incentive to finish their meals, clean rooms, pick up toys, etc.
Allyson Dressel, Winsted

My children pick out their favorites eat around seven pieces then they hide the rest. Which usually goes uneaten.
Jennifer Bauer, St. Paul

Half of the candy is donated to our church.
Jennifer Welk, Plymouth

We allow a minor gorge the first night then parcel it out over a few months … hopefully minimizing the occasional fistful for the parents.
Paul Nelson, Minneapolis