Overwhelmed by immunizations?

As a first-time parent, keeping track of your child’s immunizations can be a bit overwhelming. This is understandable because starting at 2 months of age, almost every “well child” doctor’s visit involves at least one immunization. 

No wonder my daughter seems nervous when she sees people wearing doctor’s scrubs.

Looking at the immunization schedule provided by your pediatrician can be confusing, saddening or even scary. I wanted to simplify things and make the list of vaccinations a little less scary to look at, so I made an infographic (see image below).

Back in September, the immunization requirements for the state of Minnesota changed. I thought it would be helpful to have more of a fun, brightly-colored infographic to track all the vaccinations instead of just the immunization schedule from the pediatrician. 

I hope it will become something you want to put into your child’s baby book — or at least the binder/folder where you keep all of your child’s medical paperwork.

I designed the infographic to show a simplified view of all the required immunizations for each age range. You can use it to keep track of your child’s vaccinations. 

Print out the infographic. After your child receives each immunization, check it off on the paper.  I feel relieved when I know all doses of a particular immunization are completed. I hope checking off your child’s immunizations on this infographic will be helpful to you as well. 

If you prefer to keep electronic records of your child’s immunizations, I recommend using the Daily Connect app (featured in a previous post). Since I’m obsessive compulsive about some things, I’m using both the app and the infographic. I hope you find the infographic to be helpful for tracking your child’s immunizations.

I know immunizations aren’t fun. I dread every appointment where my daughter has to get shots, but I understand they can help protect her from some very serious illnesses. I also understand that there are parents who choose not to vaccinate for personal or medical reasons.

If you choose not to vaccinate your child, you can find information about the Minnesota immunization law exemption provision here

For more information about immunizations in Minnesota, please see the resources bar on the right side of the page.

This blog is truthful and based on personal experience with the products or items mentioned. It doesn’t have sponsors, and no one paid to receive positive reviews of their products. All of the links provided are for your convenience and are not “affiliate links” — Valerie doesn’t receive payment or kickbacks if people purchase products based on her recommendations.

Valerie Moe is the Senior Graphic Designer for Minnesota Parent magazine. She lives in Bloomington with her husband and their 23-month-old daughter. You can comment below or contact her directly here.