
Got a kid who hates bath time?

A Minnesota mom is offering handmade bubble bath bombs — with toys inside — to entice kids or just make bath time extra special with her growing business, Two Sisters Spa.

Amanda Royer, who lives in Eden Prairie with her husband and two daughters, founded the company in 2013 after her homemade bath bombs gained a following on Etsy.

Her kid-friendly bath bombs create bubble baths when put under the running tub faucet and include water-based colors, moisturizing oils, scents, and Epsom salts. Toys inside include squishy animals, dinos, superheroes, and even wearable items such as rings, necklaces, and tattoos.

Bombs created just for moms don’t include prizes, but instead, focus on soothing scents such as eucalyptus spearmint.

A team of stay-at-home moms help make, package and ship the bath bombs for Royer, who takes pride in her company’s “by moms, for moms” flexible work culture.

You can find the bombs — $29.99 for a six-pack — at and