School days

Going to class can be intimidating and scary for kiddos. We’ve pulled these books together to provide emotionally savvy, mindful and even whimsical ways to talk about school.

When cautious “little landlubbers” get on the pirate’s bus, he doesn’t accept their fear of the first day of school: “There’ll be no blubberin’ on me bus. Pirates don’t get scared!” But when his best friend, Polly the parrot, flies away, the kids must tell the pirate that even though he may be scared, he must be brave — and do what he has to do.

Ages 5–7 • Amazon

Lola feels left out when all her classmates can remember where they’re from — and she can’t. She left her native island when she was just a baby. Fortunately, she learns — by interviewing her neighbors, family and friends — that the island’s culture is still with her everywhere she goes. Lola’s abuela tells her, “Just because you don’t remember a place, doesn’t mean it’s not in you.”

Ages 5–8 • Amazon

Each page of this elongated-format ode to transportation — and possible homage to Taro Gomi’s beloved Bus Stops — includes a preview of the next as it follows a boy who misses his bus. As he waits, he sees a variety of passing vehicles (each more whimsical than the next) and finally decides to try an entirely new bus (and finds he likes it just as well).

Ages 2–5 • Amazon

Get ready for school with a series of catchy sing-alongs that highlight social-emotional awareness. One song, for example, is sung to the tune of B-I-N-G-O, including lyrics such as, “When I feel mad, I take a break, that’s how I deal with anger. A-N-G-E-R!”

Ages 3–8 • Amazon 

It can be hard to grasp a new schedule at school, especially if there’s a sub who doesn’t know exactly how the day normally goes. Once the students get used to their substitute teacher, however, they realize things don’t have to be done in just one way.

Ages 3–5 • Amazon 

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