Twins are here!

I can’t believe my twin babies are three months old! My toddler will officially become a 3-year-old this month, too. Where has the time gone? 

I’ve been back at work for a few weeks now and finally feel caught up on things and able to write this post. (I’m a graphic designer first, mommy blogger second.) 

Back to work 
It felt strange coming back after 10 weeks being home with my babies. On the one hand, it felt like I’d been gone from my job (and this blog) for longer than 10 weeks. A lot can happen in 10 weeks! The building was updated, they hired a new sales guy and I came back to a brand new iMac. Wow!

On the other hand, I feel like it’s only been a few weeks since I brought my beautiful babies home from the hospital. It’s been difficult for me being away from them all day, but I’m coping as well as I can.

I hug them tightly after their middle-of-the-night diaper changes before I swaddle them back up for bedtime. I burp them a little longer so I have an excuse to hold them close for a few extra minutes. 

‘New mom glow’
A friend from work came to visit when the babies were only a month old and she took this photo. I’m very grateful she did because I don’t have many photos of me holding my babies. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve filled up my iPhone with photos of my babies — and their big sister. I also try to take photos when other people are holding one or both of the babies because I want to capture as many moments as I can.

What I’m trying to say is that I recommend asking people to take photos of you with your baby (or babies) whenever you can — even if it’s been a couple days since you were able to shower. Babies grow up so fast and the “new mom glow” can overshadow the fact that your hair might be greasy and there’s spit-up on your nursing tank top. This is my new “normal” and I think it looks pretty good on me! 

I’m excited to tell you about my new life with twins and a toddler. Check back for new posts soon! In the meantime, just hold those babies, get caught up in the moment and smile!

Valerie Moe is the Senior Graphic Designer for Minnesota Parent magazine. She lives in Bloomington with her husband, their 2-year-old daughter and 3-month-old twins. You can comment below or contact her directly here.