Taming the Toy Turmoil

As a professional home organizer I like putting things in a box, but when it comes to kid’s toys, a little creativity and outside-of-the-box thinking is needed! Our ongoing struggle as parents is wrangling toys. Social media abounds with idealized kid organization systems, tidy playrooms, and countless ways to tame the toys. Here are a few ways you could get a handle on all the games, blocks, dolls, and beyond.

Conventional wisdom says that if your child has a toy, put it out and let them play! However, you don’t need all the toys out at once. Consider having your child’s playthings “take shifts.” Store toys in bins on upper closet shelves or tucked in a closet, then rotate them out weekly. Encourage your children to clean up all their toys before making the switch. Kids will have fun getting “new” toys each week and you’ll have less of a mess.

One of my favorite home organizing tips is putting “like with like.” I am not a proponent of large bins or chests where all toys can just be tossed in. Cleanup is easier when toys are organized and labeled with similar items. Taking this a step further, create designated “zones” for playthings. For example, keep all books, dress-up, dolls, or dinosaurs in bedrooms. Move trucks, musical instruments, or larger toys to the basement. Keep outside toys outside. I prefer having puzzles, legos, or toys that take concentration near the kitchen so I can get tasks done while they play. 

Another way to tame the toy turmoil is to label, label, label! Clean-up is easier when kids know where things go. If your child isn’t reading yet take a picture of the toy, put the image inside a luggage tag, and hang it outside the bin or basket. Once your child can read, change the photos to words. I’ve found that labeling continues to work throughout the teen years as well!

As a mom of two girls, I understand the continual struggle with toy cleanup. But with a little creativity and tackling the problem in a new way will certainly relieve some of the stress!

Kira Vanderlan is the owner of Zestful Design, a home decluttering, organizing, staging, and design company. She loves helping busy families get organized! Visit her website at www.zestfuldesign.com 

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