Christmas Boredom Basket
holiday boredom basket ideas

Do you ever notice how sometimes presentation is everything? 

Over the years I have collected various Christmas crafting supplies: sticker books, craft kits, coloring sheets. Now if I just have these sitting in a closet or with all our other art supplies, I find they get ignored. But I’ve learned that if I present them in a different way, all of a sudden, it’s something my kids will take interest in.  

How to Put Together a Boredom Basket

Making a holiday boredom basket is pretty easy, and I bet you could even do it without spending a dime! I love that this is simple enough to put together, cost next to nothing and is a fun way to enjoy the season! 

To start, find a container to contain everything. In the past, I’ve used 12X12 craft totes where I could easily snap it up and store it away. Now that my kids are older, I want it to be more of a display, so I’m using a tote I bought in the dollar section at Target awhile back. Even an empty shoebox would be a great way to store everything together! 

What’s in a Christmas Boredom Basket

Next I like to go through our art supplies and do a bit of a color theme. Find all the green, red, gold, blue, etc. crayons, markers, glitter (if you dare!) If your kids are big crafters, what other supplies could you add? Extra ribbon, buttons, string, stickers, paint, glue, etc. 

If budget allows, you can always purchase a few fun new items. Michaels always has really cute holiday craft kits that I’ve often purchased for my kids to do. They usually go on sale several different times throughout December. (Pro tip: buy some for next year after the holidays when they are 70% off and save them for next year!) The dollar store also has great holiday activity books and craft supplies. 

Not looking to spend any money but still want to add something new and fun? Check out our round-up of over 40 holiday coloring and activity sheets here! There is something here for everyone. 

These are just a few ideas to get you started.  You know your kids best, what are they most interested in? What do you have the patience to clean up? My favorite way to get the kids excited about them? Turn up the Christmas tunes, sit down at the table and engage in one of the activities yourself, then see how long it takes them to come join you! We love cozy nights coloring and listening to our favorite Christmas songs. 

Ann is an entrepreneur working in the Twin Cities parenting world for over a decade. She is a St. Paul girl at heart, born & raised. Together with her husband Brian they raise their energetic boys, Ethan & Declan while also wrangling their dogs Loki & Greta. You can connect with Ann on Instagram @simplyme_ann

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