Local Spotlight: Meet Kyle Te Poel from Next Bend Birding

We are excited to introduce you to Kyle Te Poel.

Hi Kyle, thanks for sharing your story. Tell us all about you and what inspired you to start your business.

I am a Minnesota native who, after years of moving across the country with my wife, came back home and landed in Stillwater in 2017. I am married to my college sweetheart (17 years and counting). Since about the age of 5, two of my biggest passions have always been nature and music. I am lucky to be able to work in both of those fields today through my business as a birding guide and a drum instructor at St. Paul School of Music!! I also love dogs and–perhaps like most dogs inherently do–believe that everyone deserves to be treated with kindness. 

I was inspired to start my own business after trying to get a foothold in the environmental education field for what was beginning to feel like too long. I thought that I had put in my time (more than my share of it, probably) doing one part-time, seasonal, near-minimum-wage job after another with no prospect of long-term or permanent employment. Having moved back to Minnesota and not yet established in anything here, I figured it was as good a time (and as low risk) as any to try doing my own thing. Additionally, as much as I loved a lot of other jobs I’d had in the environmental education field, I was always subject to teaching the content, locations, schedule, and mission of someone else. I wanted to see if I could offer the programming, experiences, and goals that not only suit my abilities best but also what I thought to appeal to my prospective clientele.

In the fall of 2016, I formally launched my business–Next Bend Birding Tours & Photography. The name reflects much of my philosophy in my personal and professional life; the idea that there’s always something worth seeing around the next bend, something unknown and exciting worth trying if you keep going a little further. And after a few years and many “bends” in the road, the business has finally found some footing and becomes perhaps even more successful than I would have anticipated.



Tell us all about Next Bend Birding Tours & Photography. What can parents/kids expect?

I offer tours, classes, and other customized outings/parties/etc. tailored to my client’s interests. I can do a one-on-one hike, and a small group auto-tour. I’ve even done birthday parties, bachelor/-ette parties, and outings with home school groups. People can expect me to plan an experience that gets them what they’re looking for–be it the basics of bird watching, animal tracking, general ecology, tips on nature photography, and more advanced wildlife identification and adventure tours. Whatever we do, one of my primary goals is that everyone has fun and learns something. Because you can’t control nature and guarantee any particular sighting, I can ensure that I offer learning opportunities and meaningful, fun moments to my group. I’m a teacher by trade (with a master’s in education) and can design an outing to suit just about any age group. I treat everyone with respect, make sure all participants feel involved, address any question that comes my way, and ultimately hope to leave people feeling a new or enhanced sense of appreciation for the natural world.

Finally, my business is very conservation-minded, which is especially important since most of my work is environenvironmentally baseda member of the Stillwater Green Business Directory (attaining their highest certification status based on my personal and professional “green” practices). I donate a minimum of 10% of my gross income to conservation organizations, some of which support international organizations. Still, most of it goes directly to permanent habitat preservation right here in Minnesota. A few other “green” practices of note: my home/office uses geothermal heating and cooling, reducing our home gas usage by about 90%; one of my primary photo suppliers is a carbon-neutral company; virtually all products I purchase for business purposes are recyclable; and my business is almost entirely paperless.

What do you love about the Twin Cities? Why is this a great community for local small businesses?

I love the variety: cultural activities, types of natural habitats in our area, seasons, and (for the most part) friendly people. It’s hard to explain precisely what it is, but as much as I’ve loved other places I’ve lived and miss them in many ways, I always found myself missing Minnesota just a little bit more.

I think Minnesotans have a middle child complex–maybe the “middle of the country” complex is more apt. But this feeling that no one knows how great we are, or pays enough attention to us outside our own Minnesota bubble, is pretty pervasive. I don’t mean that in a demeaning way, as I feel that myself! We’re proud of many of the great things we do and that we have to offer, and we embrace the opportunities to support each other.

What is the best way for the Minnesota Parent community to support your business?

Most of my work comes through my tours. If you, or anyone in your friend and family groups, might be interested in learning more about our natural environment, seeing wildlife, or simply trying something new, booking a tour is a great way to start. We can go anywhere; wildlife refuges, state parks, and other wild places are great, but most people don’t even know the diversity of wildlife in their own yards and neighborhood parks. I can meet you where you are, both literally and figuratively, to help you explore more about our world!

Secondarily, as the “other” part of my business name suggests, I am a photographer. Most of my photos are nature-based, perhaps not surprisingly. I have a physical gallery space in Stillwater (in the Art Guild Gallery), as well as photos for sale on my website. If getting out in nature isn’t your thing, but you want to bring it inside, purchasing my photos can be a great show of support as well!

How does your business inspire parents and their children?

To put it simply, I believe I’ve been very successful at allowing nature to speak for itself. I can tell you all about the amazing things this animal does, or this tree does. But when we see something in person, it does more than any words can do. For kids, it can be an introduction to a lifelong love-affair. For adults, it can be a rekindling of the sense of wonder we’re all born with and (unfortunately) tend to lose some of over time.

Tell us about you! Your family and what brings you joy.

I mentioned a lot “about me” above–and as I said, I am married! But I don’t have any children. I have two nieces though, and I love them dearly. In particular I love seeing the things we have in common. Anything from hobbies and interests to mannerisms to physical expressions and looks, it’s so fun to see bits of yourself come through in that next generation.

The things that bring me the most joy are listening to music, getting outside (looking for wildlife, or simply hiking for its own sake), and baseball. I’m a huge, lifelong Twins fan! Oh–and dogs. I could play and cuddle with a good dog all day. I also wouldn’t be nearly as happy without my wife. To not mention her as a source of joy would be a huge oversight!

Let us know where our readers can find you!

Facebook: www.facebook.com/NextBendBirding
Instagram: www.instagram.com/nextbendbirding
Website: www.kyletepoel.crevado.com
Contact Info: [email protected] or 507-358-8810

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