MomBoss 5K is so much more than running!

Tell us all about you and what inspired you to start MomBoss 5k? 

As an entrepreneur and a mom, I know how important it is to have connection and a supportive community. I also deeply value wellness in all capacities. Having done several 5k’s myself I know that it is an accessible distance that you can walk or run. It gets you moving and feeling a sense of accomplishment.

I  am the mother of two boys and know the struggle of balancing all the competing priorities on your plate. It inspired me to create a space where women could have a morning away to be celebrated, empowered and encouraged while getting to embrace wellness. Oftentimes, women put their needs on the back burner to take care of others and I wanted to create an intentional experience for women to treat themselves.

I had several friends that are local makers always looking for well produced events to gain visibility to their brands and products. That is why I have the Momboss market as part of the event- to showcase local women owned businesses to give them an opportunity to be in front of new customers, make connections and be in a beautiful boutique environment to display their products.

The whole reason why I started my event business covey was to curate gatherings with intention…Momboss was born out of that stewarding of what has been given to me through my time, talent, and treasure.

Tell us all about MomBoss 5k! 

More than a run, the Momboss 5k is an annual gathering to empower, encourage and cheer on the significant women in our lives. Whether you are a mom, have a mom, dream of being a mom, or mother those in your tribe, this event celebrates the women in our community!  This year’s annual walk/run will take place May 5, 2024 from 8:30am-noon along the beautiful trails of Medicine Lake, Minnesota. After crossing the finish line, participants are invited to join for a special retreat style event at Hutton House where they will be able to enjoy music, breakfast treats, a complimentary mimosa, shopping in the Momboss market featuring local artisans and makers, with great swag and giveaways!

We also started a Momboss grant. We believe now more than ever women need to be supported and celebrated. The barrage of responsibilities and to-do lists seem to never end. The piles of new pressures and the crown of multitasking can lose its shimmer.

A Minnesota Momboss will be merited a $1000 grant. A woman who inspires you, a woman who is the master of multitasking: the dreamer and the doer, A woman that endures all that is brought to her table. This will be a grant to encourage, to fuel her current adventure or perhaps the one that’s on the horizon.

The top 3 Nominees will have an opportunity to tell their stories to our Momboss panel in early May. Stories of enduring and overcoming. To share a dream they are working on or need a little push to pursue. The Momboss 5k panel will then select a winner that will be announced at the Hutton House on May 15, 2022.

What do you love about Minnesota? Why is it a great place for this event to be held? 

Having been a resident of Minnesota for 45 years (born and raised). I have always known the many opportunities the TC offers to moms, families, women, and small businesses. There is such a strong network of people committed to being champions of others through resources, events, and fabulous locally owned brick and mortar and online businesses for all the things we need! I also love our city and park and rec partners (Three Rivers Park District and the City of Medicine Lake) that make it possible to have safe and lovely trails to run and walk.

The Hutton House has been a long time partner and we love hosting events in their space. Their team is fabulous to work from start to finish. The venue is beautifully designed yet enough of an empty canvas for us to curate a unique event. I appreciate the way they are ambassadors of Covey and always a great promoter of the Momboss 5k.

Also, the route to get to the trails of Medicine Lake is convenient and offers a beautiful and easy there and back 5k course for participants.

What’s been the best takeaway in organizing this event for Moms? 

My greatest joy in this event is getting to see so many women create and form a community..both personally and professionally.  It is a blessing to see how the impact of this event goes far beyond just event day and creates strong networks of support for both our runners and women owned businesses.  And especially as we find new rhythms of being together in person…women are sharing how they love being together and out of social isolation. They are seen…celebrated…and restored when they leave the doors of the Hutton House.

What is the best way for the Minnesota Parent community to support this event? 

The best thing to do is grab a friend or your mom group, register and come experience the event on May 15! Also following us on social media on our Momboss pages and covey. And we are still looking for more event sponsors to financially support the event. I invest a significant budget to create the retreat and keep the cost low to participants…so sponsors are key

How does this event influence and/or inspire other parents? 

I believe that this event encourages and inspires moms to take time for themselves. To be open to connecting with others and seeing what is possible. When interacting with the momboss market vendors- dreams are stirred.  Almost an unspoken permission to chase after their dreams and not be afraid to step out into the unknown, embrace the journey and learn to lean on the women in your life that are cheering you on!

Want to learn more? Here are their social media links and website!


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